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What is the TS Lock from Travel Sentry?

Travel Sentry is one of the two standards that supports security agencies by allowing them to open, inspect and relock luggage without damage. The other standard is Safe Skies.

Travel Sentry Locks or TS Locks for short can be easily identified as they all carry the red diamond logo below:
Travel Sentry locks have a special code from TSA001 to TSA008, which are used by security agencies to identify which master key to use to open the lock.


A global security system
TS Lock provides peace of mind to travelers, allowing them to lock their luggage so that their baggage or lock does not have to be forced opened and damaged during security screenings.

The Travel Sentry lock system speeds up the security screening process by making it easier for security officials to screen luggage after check-in, helping to reduce the costs of travelling at the same time as protecting against terrorist threats and dangerous goods hazards.

What is TSA LOCK®?
International treaties require all luggage to be security screened before loading onto passenger airplanes. Baggage security inspections often require luggage to be opened to complete the search.

TSA LOCK® is a global security system which allows passengers to lock their luggage, while permitting security authorities to inspect them without damage. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, was the first security agency to use the system.

What does this mean for travellers?
When travelling to airports across the USA, Canada, Japan, Israel, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, South Korea, New Zealand and soon other countries, security agencies are equipped with master keys that allow them to open, inspect and re-lock any items of luggage secured with TSA LOCKS without damage. These locks can also be used for travel to all other countries.

How do I know if my padlock is TSA accepted?
Simply look for the ‘Red Diamond’. Every lock that carries the Travel Sentry® Approved mark is accepted by the TSA and other security agencies.

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